Poll Pick Your Favorite President’s Coin! George Washington - 1st U.S. President Abraham Lincoln - 16th U.S. President John F. Kennedy - 35th U.S. President Bill Clinton - 42nd U.S. President Barack Obama - 44th U.S. President Donald Trump - 45th U.S. President Pick Your Favorite President’s Coin! Poll total answers: 22 Poll total votes: 20 Do you collect Foreign Pressed Coins? Of course! Definitely not. Only if I have been there. Hmm, never really tought about it. vote What Kind Of Coins Do You Normally Smash? Zinc Pennies Copper Pennies Does Not Really Matter Wheaties Other Vote Poll total answers: 51 Poll total votes: 47 I call em'... Crushed Pennies Elongated Coins Embossed Pennies Flat Pennies Flattened Pennies Mashed Pennies Monedas Elongadas Quetschis Quetschmünzen Pressed Pennies Rolled Pennies Smashed Pennies Smooshed Pennies Smushed Pennies Squashed Pennies Squished Pennies Stretched Pennies Other vote Poll total answers: 69 Poll total votes: 55