About Us:
We love Elongated Coins and have been avid collectors for over a dozen years.

Renée, usually responsible for shipping smashed her first penny 2004 at the Zeum Carousel in San Francisco.

Marlyse, doing mostly web work etc. acquired her first elongated coin way, way back (1979) and in the Foggy City as well.
Groups and Associations:
The Elongated Collectors
Join TEC, it’s a lot of fun!!
Join TEC, it’s a lot of fun!!
TEC #3435 (Renée)
TEC #3434 (Marlyse)
Etsy.com Member id ElongatedCoins
eBay.com Member id ElongatedCoins
Social Networks:
- ElongatedCoins on Instagram
- ElongatedCoins on Twitter
- ElongatedCoins on YouTube
- ElongatedCoins on Pinterest
- ElongatedCoins on Facebook † as of Friday, July 13, 2018 – a huge Thank You to the 447 people which have followed us on Facebook, you made it all worthwhile!!